August 13, 2010


I have been writing so much lately...I feel like I have to cram every moment in before school begins next week.  It's a bittersweet beginning for our family.  Luke and I are really looking forward to seeing our kids and working with them again, but this summer has been so perfect.  We knew the end would come, but now that it's within reach, I'm not as ready as I thought I would be.  There are just so many great things I will miss about Whit!  Lately, he has become more and more entertaining:)  When he spots something he wants, he crawls with great determination and speed across the room, shaking his head and "talking" as he goes after his prize.  His tastes are becoming more discerning and I am having to be a little more creative with his lunch and dinner-oh, the things you say you'll never do!  He is experimenting more and more with his toys now, and seems amazed when something new happens, like a ball rolls across the floor or a button makes a sound.  Now he really studies these things and tries to imitate them.  Just yesterday he was in the office with me and was playing with his shoe for a good 15 minutes-grabbing it then throwing it in the air and crawling wherever it landed.  He thought this was the greatest game!  It's so funny what captures his attention.  I love watching his personality develop, and his interactions become more engaged-even with Lucy!  Poor, poor Lucy!  She loves to sneak in kisses, and I have a feeling her day is coming!  For now, all is well in our home and we are chugging along, using our last few days at home to make our final preparations for school, trying to cram 2 weeks worth of work into a few short days.  The procrastination was well worth it this year though!  I would not have traded a single moment with him this summer!

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