January 3, 2011

What's Happening With Whit

So I realize two posts within two days is a bit overkill, but I was feeling badly for not updating much about Whit. Lately, Whit has been imitating sounds and movements so much. He is working on more sign-language with us, especially during meal time. He's saying more words consistently-daddy, all done, ah-mie (mommy), and ooh-cie (Lucy). He is constantly chattering and although we have no idea what he's saying-he says it with confidence! It's hilarious to have full conversations with his jibber-jabber. It always makes us smile:) One of his new achievements is SINGING! He has many toys/books that play music and is imitating a lot of them-and actually singing in the same key. Most mornings when he wakes up he talks and sings and they are the sweetest sounds in the world. Sometime we really need to record his morning moments. I love lying in bed and listening to him to start our day. Last week he spent the week with my parents while Luke and I celebrated our anniversary. In one of my conversations with my mom she said that he was singing "ee-i-ee-i-oh" and the day after we picked him up-we heard it for ourselves! That same night he started imitating our counting to three while we were playing together in his room. Now he says "uh, tuh, ee!" We were amazed to say the least! I know these are all milestones he should be accomplishing, but to watch it happen before your eyes is truly incredible. I can only imagine how ridiculous we'll be once he reaches significant milestones in his life! We love our amazing boy:)