December 30, 2009

More Christmas...

Boy are we blessed!!  Luke and I have had such an amazing time with our family.  After spending a few days with the Windhams, we headed to Morton to see my family.  It was non-stop action with 8 adults, 7 kids, & 2 dogs, but I wouldn't want it any other way!  Such great memories were made & it's really fun to watch all the cousins interact and enjoy each other.  They loved playing outside in the snow, which took me back to the days of sledding and snowball fights at my grandparent's house.  That was always an annual event, regardless of how much snow was on the ground!  We ate a ton-mom loves to spoil us with her goodies-and got to reconnected with one another.  On the way home we got to visit some good friends and it was really the perfect ending to our "travels" for this Christmas.  Now we're home for a few days before starting school on Monday.  This has been such a wonderful break & I am constantly reminded that what we have is truly a gift from our Father.


  1. Ditto! I couldn't agree more. You are such a blessing to me! Love the new blog!

  2. Hey Sarah! Glad to see you started this blog! I had lost the web address to your other one when the laptop crashed and so we have sort of been out of touch. Whit is SO SO cute! He has already gotten so big...can't believe he is 4 months old already! We are looking forward to keeping up with you guys a little better now!
