January 17, 2010

Daily Resolutions

A couple of weeks ago marked the beginning of 2010. I actually sat down on more than one occasion to write about my resolution(s), and never could come up with words that I knew would be true or that I could commit to as a "resolution."
At this point in my life, I am constantly surprised...by the things Whit does, the way he amazes me with his sounds and smiles, the joy I feel when he achieves new things, the way my heart grows-for him & for Luke...it's a journey that I am loving and soaking up as it quickly passes me by. So, this year I am making a "daily resolutions" rather than annual ones. I don't want to look back on the year & feel like I have failed or not achieved some lofty goal, but rather say with confidence that I was the best wife, mother, daughter, sister & friend that I could be (most days.) I pray that God will use me in one person's life this year & that I will not shy away from showing His compassion each day to those I come into contact with. I hope that I can look back and believe that I went to school and played a part in a child or co-worker's life the way so many others have in mine.
2010 marks the beginning of a fresh start for many I love dearly. 2009 marked a year of loss, grief, pain & frustration for them. It was heartbreaking to watch them hurt, and I can't wait to be amazed at what this new year holds for my family & friends. I am blessed beyond words...

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