November 17, 2010

15 Months Old

Whit is so much fun these days!  He had a bit of a rough patch last month after fighting a flu bug, but once we got through that he went back to his old self:)  Last week marked 15 months of his little life and I wanted to share some of his accomplishments and funny moments...

  • Talking...Whit can say "all done, doggy, yah, dada, mmmmah (mama I think!)
  • Skills...since learning to walk, Whit has become very comfortable moving around on his own.  He can walk, run, dance and go forward or backward.  He is also able to get up the stairs-with supervision:)
  • Toys...Whit is starting to figure out how things to play with his toys, "read" books, open and shut doors, shoot's so fun to watch him figure things out!
  • Sense of Humor...Whit loves to laugh-and we love to hear him laugh!  He plays hide and seek, really enjoys Lucy's kisses, jumps/falls on the couch cushions, pretends to sleep on the pillows then laughs how clever he is, and is SUPER ticklish-just like his momma!  
  • Dee-Dee-Dah...this one deserves it's own bullet, because we hear it pretty much every day!  He has this little rhythm down pat and loves to change it up.  Sometimes it's dee dah-dee dee dah, dee dee-dah-dee dee dah...many variations, but the same two syllables over and over.  So far it hasn't gotten old and it's a great source of entertainment in the car!
  • Music...what a shock-our son likes music:)  If we play music while he's awake, he always dances or bobs his head to the beat.  The other day he ran to the office where the music was playing and started nodding his head to the beat, then when the music switched to strings and woodwinds he switched his nodding to shaking his head no-to the beat!  CRAZY!  Earlier in the week he matched pitch to one of his toys.  It amazes me every time he shows musical ability.  I hope he continues to enjoy music as much as we do!
I think I mentioned all the big things for now...just wanted to get that in before another month went by!  Here are a few of my favorite pictures of him lately.

On a separate note-last weekend was our church's first ever Impact Gala.  It was a great night of celebration for all God has done at The Village Christian Church!  We are so blessed to be a part of this church and have made some wonderful friends there-and of course we love getting to see Nate, Rachelle and the boys every week:)  Here are a few pictures from the night!

November 14, 2010


The past few months have been great!  We have been extremely busy, but most of our busyness has been time spent with people we love.  School has been going well for both Luke and I, and Whit has settled in at his sitter's house-Miss Pat :)  She feels like part of our family now and we are very grateful to have her in our life!
In September Luke and I had the opportunity to see Romeo and Juliet at the Shakespeare Festival on Navy Pier.  We had a great date night!
Whit continues to grow and develop each day.  Here he is signing "please"
He is such a smart boy:)  He can sign please, more, and all done.  He is walking/running, getting into everything!, and keeping us on our toes!  In September Whit finished with pureed food-I was very excited-and is loving eating table food with Luke and I.  He is so verbal and always "talking" to us. 

Toward the end of September we got to meet up with some great friends from our college days:)  We stayed the night at my home camp (LaMoine) and went to the parade and Homecoming game the next day.  While we were in Macomb we had to visit a couple of our favorite restaurants-Rocky's & Aurelio's.  We had a great time and it was so fun to see our friends again!  I think this will be an annual event!
Here we are with our great friends:) Andy & Lindsay Knopp, Marc & Kristina Gorsch, and Tim & Liz Casey

October was another great month for us...we enjoyed more time with friends and family and really enjoyed celebrating Halloween with Whit!
Here's Whit and I on a Friday after school.  He loves playing on the couch:)  
Happy Boy!
Here we are on Halloween with our little Monkey Man:)  He was a very sweet monkey!  My favorite part of his costume was the banana peel on his head.  He did great with the costume, but unfortunately he slept through all the trick-or-treaters.  I was very tempted to wake him up, but we let him sleep.  He did wake up in time to go to Miss Pat's house for a picture though:)

Fun fun at Miss Pat's House!
In October Whit learned "where's your belly?"  Here he is showing off his new talent. Love his Halloween PJ's!
Yep-we put Whit in his Halloween costume for church!  He was not thrilled about this picture!
It's been a great fall!  We'll update you soon for November:)